Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I've read a few more books....

Lets see, it's been awhile since I've posted about the House of Night book. Since then I have finished JD Robb's Portrait in Death, which was NOT on my list. I read Wayne Kallio's book, Mind Gone Astray which was not on the list. I think that's about it! Oh oh, I know, I was able to get my hands on a copy of Chris Coppernoll's book A Beautful Fall. I enjoyed this book, although not as much as Providence. I guess that puts me up to 20 books read. Yikes, too bad I've already gone out and bought the book I had planned to buy at the end of the 50! Maybe my new goal will to not read this book until I've finished up with 50 other books. I guess that means I've still got thirty to go. The trouble is, the library is having another book sale this week and I may have to stop by there tomorrow and check it out! I came home with half a dozen books last week from the library plus picked up a few more when we were in Saskatoon a couple weeks ago. No more, no more, let the insanity stop!! Time to get reading!! Up next.....another book that I've strayed from the list to read....Elin Hildebrand's book Barefoot (which I picked up from the library book table when dealing with the worst foot pain in all my living years!) I hope it's a good one!! The cover looked nice!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Done book 17 finally. What a waste of paper that book was! I honestly don't know if I want to continue with the House of Night books! It took me forever to get through it! I have no idea what book I will start now that I'm finally done such a let down of a book. Here we are in March where i'd hoped to read fifty books and I've read 17! Oh well, I'll keep plugging away

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Book 17!!

I guess I'm officially in the middle of book 17, the latest in the House of Night books. I finished Shades of Blue today, good timing since it is now overdue! The Sheldon Kennedy story was an easy read, didn't take long at all. But it really annoyed me that the foreword portion of the book had a sticker over it, covering up the original text with a revised text. I have to admit I even tried peeling it off so I could see what had been omitted or changed! Karen Kingsbury's Shades of Blue was of course another awesome book, a tearjerker if there ever was one. I love knowing that I'm all caught up on her books, patiently waiting for the next one. Same with Jodi Picoult, I have to wait for her new book too. I wish I could get to the point in my life where I'm caught up on all my favorite author's books and would just wait for new ones, but of course in between, new authors come along and new favorites are discovered and again you have to go back and read their earlier novels. Here we are, approaching the end of February and I was hoping to have read 50 books??? How did I even think that was possible? I'll be lucky if I finish 20 before the 1st of March! Oh well, I'll keep reading!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Books 15 and 16

Two new books from the library came in on the weekend. I am currently reading Sheldon Kennedy's book, I think it's called Why I did not say anything. And also Karen Kingsbury's Shades of Blue. I hope to have them done tonight as they are both easy reads. Books 17 and 18 will be the 6th book in the House of Night Series by PC and Kristin Cast, and Deja Demon by Julie Kenner. So at least I have a plan for the next four books!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

14 books finished!

I plowed through the Theo Fleury book and just finished Rachel Sontag's memoir, House Rules. What an easy read I found it to be. Maybe reading about a family that was more screwed up than the one I grew up in was refreshing and at times necessary to capture the feeling of, hey my life could have been worse. What opposite lives we lived, this Rachel Sontag and I. She grew up with a sister, a mom and a dad as opposed to myself growing up with a mom. Yes I'll grant her that she lived with what it sounded like TWO parents with mental illness, however these parents managed to hold down well paying, prestigious jobs throughout her formative years. Her father was a doctor and her mom, a social worker, ironically two very judged and skeptically viewed occupations that I perceived my mom to view as she dealt with many a doctor and a social worker throughout her life. Rachel's story about how controlling her father was yet manipulative in the sense that his wealth could provide many things for her and her sister such as many vacations abroad, expensive college educations. After reading this book, I think I need a fictional book to take my mind off the bizzare behaviors of Rachel's mother and father. I found myself very angry with the mom in this book and yet see many similarities between the mother and myself. Glad to have discovered this book and this author. I hope to find many more books from Rachel Sontag as she appears from her photo to be a young woman, ready to write many more books in the future. Now, after deviating from my list of fifty books, maybe I should consult the original list, find something in my collection of cluttering books......what to read? I still have 36 books left to read before I will allow myself to purchase another book. That means the sad situation of skipping the semi-annual used book sale at the library this April. Unless....I happen to read 36 more books in two months. Yeah right, it's not going to happen!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Book 13, halfway done!

I am reading Theoren Fleury`s book Playing with Fire. I`m trying to breeze through this book since my husband wants to read it before it is due back to the library. Speaking of which, the library is starting to crack down on overdue books. All fines are waived until March 31st but after than, I`m sure to be dinged every time I bring a book back late! I must remember to only order one at a time to avoid this becoming an expensive problem!!! So far, I`m enjoying this book even though I`m not a fan of this guy by any means. To me, he is just another hockey player but his story is interesting and he doesn`t hold back from the bad language so that is entertaining in itself when you are used to reading inspirational fiction. I mean there aren`t many books out there that constantly use the f word in any genre. I should be able to finish this book tonight I`m hoping so I can get on with the other book that came in from the library. This book is called House Rules and I came across it when I was searching the library database for Jodi Picoult`s book which will be out in a couple months. Sometimes the library has these books on order so you can get your request in early and I had hoped to do this. However, her book was not listed but I came across another book by another author with the same title. Of course I can`t remember at this moment what the author`s name is but I will get there when I`m done Playing with Fire.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Books 11 and 12 are done!

I finished Jodi Picoult's book Handle with Care. By far, one of her best! I can't wait until March when her new book "House Rules' comes out! Of course I won't have my 50 books finished by then, but there is always the library. Speaking of which, I found an overdue book over the weekend, realized I hadn't read it yet and proceded to do so. I finished Julie Kenner's Demons are Forever. And back to the library it must go. Last I checked the old library website, they say I still haven't returned the Lorna Crozier book but I beg to differ. I read that ages ago!!!! Either returned it or it accidentally went out with the recycling! Yikes! Tonight hopefully I will delve into Deja Demon by Julie Kenner. Luckily this is my own book so I don't have to rush like I did with the other one! Book 14 will be the latest House of Night book that I borrowed from Shelley weeks ago and still haven't read!~!! I'm slowly getting there! Hopefully before next thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New book started

Last night I picked up my copy of Jodi Picoult's book Handle with Care. Its a story about a little girl who was born with Osteogenesus Imperfecta???? I have no idea if I'm spelling that right or not since I just started the book. I have a goal to find my two missing library books by the end of the day since I'm headed that way tonight to hear about diet and nutrition.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

1. Songs of the Humpback Whale by Jodi Picoult
2. Take One by Karen Kingsbury
3. The Wife's Tale by Lori Lansens
4. Carpe Demon by Julie Kenner
5. California Demon by Julie Kenner
6. A Change in Altitude by Anita Shreve
7. Ghosts, Witches and Werewolves by Joanne Christenson
8. Small Beneath the Sky by Lorna Crozier
9. Away Your Reply by Dan Chaon
10. Providence by Chris Coppernoll

So I managed to read 10 book between Thanksgiving and New Years, about 75 days. If I continue at this pace it will take me 300 days to read fifty books!! So perhaps this goal is unattainable. It may be next thanksgiving before I allow myself to purchase Rachel Vincent's next novel. What a shame since I've discovered another author Chris Coppernoll along the way. There are two more of his books out there that I'd love to get reading!!! But a whole new year is upon us and there are many resolutions I want to achieve along the way this year in 2010! Happy New Year to everyone who might come across my blog. To all you authors out there, keep writing because I will keep reading, just maybe not as quickly as I would have liked!!!