Friday, April 1, 2011


Since I just took a few tylenol to try and ease the pain, I feel like typing a bit more. The computer is somewhat of an addiction for me, albeit a painful one. I can't imagine going back to work at this point, it would be sheer torture.

So I left the last post without mentioning any books! I have discovered quite a few Saskatchewan authors over the past year:

Pam Bustin, so far has only the one book called 'Mostly Happy', love the title and loved the story about a single mom and her kid and their journey thru life in the different Saskatchewan towns they end up in and the different men in their lives. Very well written!

Anne Marie Brockman, this woman I think is a fan of Gail Bowen, my favorite Sask. author. (By the way I got to meet her in January at the Estevan Public Library). My friend Crysta told me about her, otherwise I'd never have known about her great series of books. She has written three so far: "Please Forgive Me", "Angels in the Snow" are the two I have read of her. The third book, I can't find anywhere since this woman's books aren't sold everywhere unfortunately. You can't just hop on the internet and order them from Chapters or Amazon. The stories are about women who grew up together, going to a boarding school with nuns somewhere near the manitoba border and their lives later on the road, a great mix of spirituality and sensuality, according to the author's website. Kind of bizzare, the covers of the books seem like they are Christian novels but the contests are a whole other story. Hard to get used to at first but the stories themselves are fairly well written and entertaining. Plus they take place in Saskatchewan, you gotta love that!

So an exciting thing happened. Nelson Brunanski, another Sask. author finally came out with the sequel to his first murder mystery, "Crooked Lake". "Frost Bite" did not disappoint its readers and when I opened the book, imagine my surprise when I saw MY NAME in the dedication list! Woohoo, a book dedicated to me!! It was all because I emailed the guy to tell him I enjoyed his book and so did about a dozen others apparently :)

Gail Bowen also released her latest book "Nesting Dolls" Another great Joanne Killbourne murder mystery. Can't wait for the next one!

I'm sure there were others from Saskatchewan authors, they just don't pop into my mind at the moment.

Other great books I've read this year are the biographies of Melissa Gilbert who played Laura Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie and Alison Arngrim who played Nellie Olson. I've been on a Little House kick since being a disabled invalid. I've watched three seasons of the show and can't wait to watch more! Life was so much simpler back in those days!

i have a feeling a lot of the books I will be reading soon are books about chronic pain and dealing with that sort of thing. I am ready to stop typing now.

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