Thursday, October 15, 2009

So many books, so little time.....

So I was able to read for about two hours last night before I started to fall asleep. In those two hours, I managed to read over 100 pages. I was also helping my 8 year old do his homework so we'll test that theory again this evening since I have a shade over 100 pages left in my current book. Two hours and I should have it cased!! I'll be able to say one down, 49 to go. I also realized last night after stopping at the library to pick up not only the two books I knew were waiting for me but when I got there, they had a third waiting as well, so I will have to revamp my list, take one book off and add this forgotten one to the list. When we were in Regina two weeks ago, we stopped at the Book and Briar Patch on Albert Street. While perusing the shelves I came across a series called Stamping Sisters, written by Terri Thayer. (Trina I thought of you when I saw these books) Anyway, like a good girl, I put the books back on the shelf and decided before buying I had better order the first couple from the library to make sure I enjoyed the series. So the first of the books has come in. It is called Inked Up. Now I just have to decide which of my fifty books I will delete off the list in order to read this book before I have to return it to the library!

This morning as I sit here, my living room is filled with little people who of all things, are fighting over a book that one of the girls brought in with her this morning. It is called Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses. We just finished reading this book aloud, complete with fancy sounds. Now that's one way to grab a kid's attention. Even the boys thought this was indeed a fantastic book, for it was two of them who were arguing over the book and not the girls. Luckily this book is made of sturdy cardboard and therefore it should outlast the bickering that goes on in this house between friends. I'm glad my husband and I don't fight over our books. Of course, he, unlike myself actually reads his books right away after purchasing them. He obviously can control his impulse to buy every single book off a bargain table that looks even a bit interesting. He is a good influence in my life and hopefully after almost six months without purchasing a single book to add to my collection, I will have broken free from the compulsive purchases and will have learned to enjoy the books I actually HAVE lying around my home! Now hopefully I don't fall asleep early tonight, there's reading to be done!!

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